
Mophie Launches Magnetic Wireless Chargers To Power Samsung And Apple Devices

Wireless charging is not only convenient but technological advancements will allow manufacturers to roll out chargers that can deliver higher watts to charge the mobile device at a quicker pace in the near future. Mophie has introduced wireless chargers that feature a ton of convenience, over the company's other counterparts.

Mophie Wireless Chargers Allow Your Phone To Be Magnetically Attached To The Charging Pad For A Seamless Charging Feel

Mophie has released a total of three wireless chargers that can charge your Mophie-encased telephone on contact. This product line includes a charging pad for your nightstand, a vent prune for your machine, and a desk-bound mountain for the part and all of them characteristic built-in magnets to help stabilize your phone and keep it in place. However, all of these wireless chargers require a compatible Mophie case.


On PCWorld user describes their experience while testing them out:

"I got to endeavour the Accuse Strength line for a trivial scrap last week, and I was impressed with how strong the magnets were, which is definitely necessary if they're meant to hold a phone with a battery pack. The vent prune for the car seems to be the virtually appealing choice. You tin can apply it not only to charge your phone, but likewise to keep your phone upward on the dashboard if y'all need to navigate for directions.

Once you gear up up the vent clip, you won't need to ever fumble around your car to find a charging cable e'er over again. I wasn't able to test it under real driving conditions, still, then I still have to run into how well the phone stays in place once information technology's charging, and how easy it is to remove the phone with one manus while on the road."


Mophie is already its selling charging pad arranged with a Juice Pack correct now for the cost of $99. The vent clip is bachelor for pre-sale for $49, and the desk mountain volition be coming soon, and will conduct a price of $49. There is also a product video at the bottom, so if you desire to check that out, view it right away. Do you guys believe that the latest lineup of Mophie will deliver an effortless charging experience? Allow united states of america know your thoughts right away.



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